Thursday, January 3, 2008

R/C spendings in 2007.

What is the meaning of affordable fun when you don't keep tab on how much you here it goes...

R/C spending in 2007=$2300, sold Gy502 and GCT620mm= $2300-$180-$50=$2070#

Not a lot, but its quite a chunk for someone who hasn't got a income. Once again, I have prove that good fun can come cheap.

For the past few months...

July-OCT 07=$162 for R50. Nothing went wrong, I didn't crash, made full use of my fuel
$290 for Honey Bee King V2. Crashed pretty often and though parts were cheap, crashing twice a week didn't help.

Nov 07 =$264, kinda high because I bought the Rotor Tech 610mm

Dec 07= $455, Sold my GCT 620mm Away for $50, LHS was having a 10% discount the cheapskate me stocked up on fuel and bought a spare pair of blades. I really do love the RT610mm. Got Regulator and lipo also.=$455-50=$405

Jan 07, thus far=$171. Blame it on the silly engine rebuild. I ordered the parts online from my LHS while they were still having the 10% discount but on holiday...went to the shop to pay on 2nd Jan and they give me the did save a few dollars.

All above are just heli spending. Plank and plane suck my money too, just not as hard and often.


Total amount spent since 1/1/08...about $1500...which is way over what I expected for less than half a year... blame it on the crash I guess. At least I still have 3.5gallons of fuel in the store room which should last me a while..


Yet another busy semester...

Blow my budget for the year 2008 BIG TIME.
Buy fuel, buy 90size, buy TX...BUY BUY BUY...planned around 2k on R/C this year...but till now already spent close to 5K. OMG. Will have to stop buying for a while I suppose. At least I still have some fuel. At least I got a part time job during the sch holi to cover a part of it and our dear guardbirdment sponsored a tiny bit because I DEFEND the nation.. And oh yeah...I have total stopped flying the money comes here.

Spent quite a bit on new ring and piston, new clutch, yet another new ring and piston, yet another new for the TX was partly because my old 9C is long over due for replacement and partly because I had a bit of leftover after buying the 700N which was unexpectedly cheap( $810 after I sold the included governor for 55bucks)

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