Monday, June 29, 2015

Road Trip to Rantau Panjang Border -Day3 R&R at Cameron

Today was suppose to be R&R at Cameron Highlands.

This was what we woke up to:


First thing first before setting off for the day...check the engine oil level. Nice and big engine. I was a little surprised that the 2.4L version was so much larger than the 2.0L.


Breakfast at just 300-400m from hotel.


Very nice zhu chang fen with an egg on top.


Roti canai (or commonly known as roti prata here)


After breakfast, we were off to the BOH tea plantation but alas, it was closed. Never mind, since the plantation was closed and we were already there at the foot of Gunug Brinchang, the peak of Cameron, I decided to attempt the hill climb.

Half way...we stopped for some photo...and along the way we had to siam to the side of the road for others to pass through. Not an easy thing in a camry.




And then the road got narrower, with deep drench and ditch by the side. Traffic got more busy. We decided that maybe it wasn't the right time to do it. Found a spot, parked the car and started taking photo before we U-turn down.


Took some "engagement photo"like shots.


And then it started raining at about 1pm. KEPT the camera and no more photo for the day. Explored the two little town of brinchang and tana ratah. Had lunch and dinner and the rain got even heavier. Fog and storm, the perfect recipe for a cold cold cold day, colder than autumn in china.

BTW, petrol stations can be found in Brinchang. We used 55rm (26.8L) worth of petrol to travel through route 66 and route 185 and up to Cameron. This will mean that Kuala Terengganu to Cameron took slightly a little more than 50L. If we had not pump the 24L on route 4, I guess we would have reached the hotel with about 1/4 of petrol left in the tank.

That's all for today. Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:

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