The Realflight G4.5 update have been out for a while. Just got mine updated a few days ago and it was a big file at almost 1gigabyte. As with previous upgrades, most of the changes are more on the visual and sound effect, rather than the physics or "realness" of the flight. However, I did discover a slight change in heli flight characteristic.
And the minor change in heli is the auto rotation capability. Gone is the unrealistic and overly easy autos. Now the helis auto with practically no reserve in the blades and to be honest, its even harder than the real thing.
In addition, the helicopters are now a lot more boggable. While it doesn't simulate a boom strike, the power of the helicopters feel a lot more realistic now. And that in itself presents a new problem. You will need to go back and re-tweak your old models if you had previous adjusted the power to feel like the real thing.
One of the new visual effect for G4 was the bloom effect. G4.5 take it to one step furthur with a Depth of View effect. One thing to note though, you will need a decently fast computer with a decently powerful graphic card to get decent frame rate with all these effects on. I suppose something along the line of a 2.6+ghz duo core with a geforce 8800gt should be sufficent...but no gurantee.
Since my computer has neither a fast processor nor a fast graphic card, I left my video in the bare basics. In my opinion, this new depth of view is just like a camera lens focusing on just the part that you want to focus on and blurring the rest of the background. Not into photography, but I think its called macro mode in cameras and the background is termed "bokeh".
Anyway, I took a few snapshoot to show the difference.
Plane with bloom and DOV on.
No effect
Night Flying

Glow only

No effect

DOV+Glow. Note the focus is the "House of Horror"
DOV+Glow. Note the focus is on the plane.
There is also this new feature called "difficulty". It comes in 3 levels-"Beginner", "Intermediate" and "Advanced". Not sure what it stands for though.
Since I am not a plank flyer, I shall not go into changes made to the plane section. However, I did include a short flight video in the plane section of the video. Note the sound you get when the plane touches the ground, that is one of the new feature of G4.5.
And the video. Pretty low resolution for now. A high resolution might be posted in time to come...anyway, pardon the limited flying ability...just a weekend stick-banger here.
All in all a decent upgrade, definately worth the 1GB of bandwidth, considering that its FREE.
Update: A slightly higher resolution video of the HELI PART. Click HERE to open it for larger view.
Realflight G4.5 Heli from Calvin lin on Vimeo.
P.S. Since mine is the friendly version...its not always up to date.
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