I got this engine together with the R50 kit a long time ago. Used it for over a hundred flights on a raptor before I upgraded to the hyper and had 2 change of ring and piston in between the hundred plus flights. Once because I broke the con rod in a chicken dance and took out the piston and ring also and the other time because the bearing decided to throw its metal retainer bits. It gives average power, but was frugal on fuel. Not really a lot more powerful than my old tt36, but my tt36 was a power house in the first place and had the same consumption as this engine, so this tt50 really isn't that bad. Furthurmore, the tt36 only made good power on certain fuel and had a NOISY but powerful tuned muffler, so it really isn't fair comparing my 50 to the 30.
The DV-II carb requires the needle mod for ease of tuning and consistency in the lower 75% of throttle. Without the needle mod, idle was too rich and mid-range was too lean. More info on needle mod is available on http://www.runryder.com/. It was a bear to tune before the mod.
The crankcase material is kinda brittle because I chipped a few fins off in a crash, otherwise, I have no complain with this.
I have it in a plank now, spinning a 12.25x3.75 @ over 12000rpm.
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