Sunday, January 27, 2008
Other Main Blades
Friday, January 18, 2008
Linkage Ball screw
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Cleaning a Thundertiger DV-II carb.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Kasama Mixing level
I choose to have the ball links on the outer hole of both side for 2 reasons.
1. The outer hole on the shorter side gives a more aggressive setting.
2. The inner hole on the longer side that gives the more aggressive setting will cause the long linkage rod to bind against the thundertiger metal hub at full negative collective pitch. The kasama and gforce head don't suffer from this because the tt hub is squarish and fatter at the top.
With the max servo travel possible...
Stock arm gives...
+/-7 for cyclic and +11/-10 for collective
Inner hole on the shorter side and outer hole on the longer side gives..
+/-7 for cyclic and +/-10 for collective
Outer hole on both side gives...
+/-8.5 for cyclic and +/-13 for collective
I had to lenghten the double link by one complete turn because the kasama arm on the stock recommended length gave +12/-14.
Running +/-12 and 7.5 degree for cyclic transform the raptor into another heli. It was extremely punchy and stops and push overs were much cleaner. Rolls seem faster, cyclic was more sensitive to the sticks, loops were larger, FFF was faster, tic-toc was tighter, rainbows were bigger...everything was so much better than before. With my newly rebuilt hyper @1920rpm, there was absolutely no sign of bogging. The whole thing just felt lighter and quicker. It was so good that I forgot all about flight time and landed when I only had half a header tankful of fuel left...
There is one down side though, somehow hovering seems to be quite a bit more twitchy and touchy, but it isn't an issue for me.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Converting a heli engine into a plank engine....
While the heatsink on a heli engine does seem quite a lot bigger, I haven't really found a problem with it on a plane. No issue with cooling(or rather over-cooling) or c.g..
Converting a heli engine to spin a prop is VERY easy. All you need are...
1. A muffler for plane engine, not because the heli one doesn't work, but because it looks ugly with the lump hanging out in the wrong direction due to header direction. For my tt50, I used the tt46 muffler. NO fancy tuned pipe or tuned muffler is required. The cast iron two piece type muffler will work extremely well and is just 1/10 of what shiny heli mufflers cost...
This is how a plank muffler looks like on a goes toward the rear, while a heli exhuast faces sideway...
2. Unforunately, the crankshaft on a heli engine is much shorter, so its almost impossible to use a spinner, so what you need is a prop nut. Its nothing more than a mini spinner that is threaded and act as a stopper nut to secure the prop. Different thread size for different engine. There are two types of material, one being the standard type and the other is the brass type that is a lot heavier and will help a tail heavy plane. Some smaller prop nut like what I am using requires a different starter cone(the rubber piece), not a biggie though...
3. Drive washer set, each engine has its own type of drive washer, available at your LHS for just a few bucks. I believe its called the collet set or something along that any case, as long as a shop stocks spare parts(rings, pistons...etc) for a engine, they will definately have a collect set or washer set for it.
Prop mounted
Thundertiger pro-50h
Monday, January 7, 2008
Honey bee king V2 setup
2x gws pico servo & 1x tower pro 9g servo for cyclic, because these came from foamies and I only buy servos in pairs for foamies and I can't squeeze anything larger than those pico servos into the rear servo mounts.
1x gws naro servo for rudder, this is much better than the tower pro servo.
Vision hold heading 2000 gyro, aka robbe 3d gyro, its big and attract lots of attention
gws 6ch rx
align 20A esc and eksy 3800kv motor
Flightpower 1800mah, Polyquest 1800mah, GWS 1300mah
No upgrade on this because I only fly this for kick at the neighbourhood basketball court. Its small and cute, but extremely unstable and unpredictable. Still flyable though. Linkage balls are all plastic and the tail ratio is a bit too low for brushless motor, but for $80, I can't complain much. I got the t-rex canopy because my 1800mah batterys are too big to fit inside the stock canopy and the t-rex canopy looks pretty good too. Using the t-rex tail blades because the stock are simply too small to cope with the brushless. I have only done one flip with this heli and that ended up as a piro flip, probably partly gyro, partly tail ratio issue.
Tried this with a 149dp rx which is a pcm and I found the heli to be a lot more lock in and much more stable, the difference is great even in a basic piro hover. Took it out because I thought it wasn't worth it to risk a $200+ rx in a heli that cost $80.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Align 3D fins
Thursday, January 3, 2008
MY Tach Setup
Throttle Jockey Pro and Futaba 9254.
Requires a tach because there is no rpm read out, but fret not, a cheap airplane tach works with this because once the gov is engaged, it doesn't matter if you are on the ground or tic-toc in the air, the rpm is the same. What this effectively means is that you can tach the heli while its on the ground.

R/C spendings in 2007.
R/C spending in 2007=$2300, sold Gy502 and GCT620mm= $2300-$180-$50=$2070#
Not a lot, but its quite a chunk for someone who hasn't got a income. Once again, I have prove that good fun can come cheap.
For the past few months...
July-OCT 07=$162 for R50. Nothing went wrong, I didn't crash, made full use of my fuel
$290 for Honey Bee King V2. Crashed pretty often and though parts were cheap, crashing twice a week didn't help.
Nov 07 =$264, kinda high because I bought the Rotor Tech 610mm
Dec 07= $455, Sold my GCT 620mm Away for $50, LHS was having a 10% discount the cheapskate me stocked up on fuel and bought a spare pair of blades. I really do love the RT610mm. Got Regulator and lipo also.=$455-50=$405
Jan 07, thus far=$171. Blame it on the silly engine rebuild. I ordered the parts online from my LHS while they were still having the 10% discount but on holiday...went to the shop to pay on 2nd Jan and they give me the did save a few dollars.
All above are just heli spending. Plank and plane suck my money too, just not as hard and often.
Total amount spent since 1/1/08...about $1500...which is way over what I expected for less than half a year... blame it on the crash I guess. At least I still have 3.5gallons of fuel in the store room which should last me a while..
Yet another busy semester...
Blow my budget for the year 2008 BIG TIME.
Buy fuel, buy 90size, buy TX...BUY BUY BUY...planned around 2k on R/C this year...but till now already spent close to 5K. OMG. Will have to stop buying for a while I suppose. At least I still have some fuel. At least I got a part time job during the sch holi to cover a part of it and our dear guardbirdment sponsored a tiny bit because I DEFEND the nation.. And oh yeah...I have total stopped flying the money comes here.
Spent quite a bit on new ring and piston, new clutch, yet another new ring and piston, yet another new for the TX was partly because my old 9C is long over due for replacement and partly because I had a bit of leftover after buying the 700N which was unexpectedly cheap( $810 after I sold the included governor for 55bucks)
So far I have only tried Thundertiger plastic paddles. Why TT and why Plastic? Because their shape are supposed to be good and they are real affordable right from the LHS.
Thundertiger Green Paddles
20g. Transform the raptor into a totally different heli. A big improvement in cyclic, however, I noticed a slight pitch up when doing very fast forward flight. Not too much of an issue to me though. The plastic seems to be a lot softer than the black and white ones and my grub screw holes actually stripped when I overtighten in slightly. Never had this problem with my black or white paddles. To me, they match the yellow dirty Rotor Tech pretty well. Ultimate looking in Kiddyness.
White Paddles
25g paddles. Slightly faster than the black and good for aerobatics. Too slow for 3D flip flop flying. Not a really big difference like the greenies.
Black Paddles
30g. Was too slow for my liking. However, I must admit that I did quite like them when I was flying the 30size.
are 610mm blades really 610mm?
GCT 620mm

OS Hyper
Praying hard that the new piston and ring will last me till I get the redline.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Logictech 6100t
Its really tiny and light compared to the GY502 I had, yet it still has a LCD screen and buttons for adjusting the parameters. Its just slightly larger than the GY502 sensor and so mounts onto my raptor 50 gyro mounting area with no issus. This is pretty important to me because the raptor hasn't got much electronics mounting area at the front and back then I was running 2x sanyo 1500mah nicd pack and was slightly nose heavy. Servo comes with a metal heatsink casing, which I guess is already standard nowadays. Lighting fast servo at 0.05s. A word of caution though, the included gyro mounting tape sucks. It seems ever so ready to be split apart by a light pull. I am using the 3m white foam tape now. The included servo horn was a round one with un-cut 4arms star shape marking, i.e. it came as a round servo wheel. Maybe its a feature, but who use a round servo wheel on rudder anyway. It was a bit of hassle to cut it myself.
I found the piro to be much more consistent than the gy502 and at slow piro rates, it is actually extremely smooth and slow. With a lower end gyro, I found that slow piros usually ends up choppy and step-like. Piro is extremely fast, sensitive and it holds good. Piro rate is smooth and predictable even in rippers. Holds good even when doing a rolling stall turn. However, the piro I get from this in a K.E flight is pretty inconsistent. Holding ability can be improved though, it does not blow out, just drift slightly occasionally. So far I have only blown the tail once with this gyro and it was because I lost quite a bit of rpm, so it wasn't the gyro's fault.
I have logged 140flights with this thus far and it still is working great with no sign of wear on the servo.
I tried to use this gyro with some other servos and apparently, you cannot use any other servos with this gyro. It worked with the other servos, but the servo was constantly jittering which I think would wear out the servo.